Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Killing Fields of Syria

The video linked to here is powerful, horrible, extremely graphic - but shows up-close what repression looks like. We read the words every day now, and note the counts of those killed in Damascus, Deraa, and elsewhere in Syria - as well as the hundreds who have died at the hands of repressive regimes in Yemen, Libya . . . and, yes, Israel. This clip gives you a sense of the horror - and the kind of unpleasant truths that we need to look fully in the face.

The Killing Fields of Syria: "The footage is hard to watch and not weep, but it must be shown around the world as the testimony of the criminal regime of Bashar Assad. Th..."

1 comment:

prasad said...

These killings are commonly held in Syria what is doing The U.N.? these killings must be stopped and the the Syrian government must apologize for these killings and leave their posts immediately otherwise the U.N. send their coalition forces to the Syria and take necessary action against that cruel government.


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